The September birthstone is a sapphire gem cherished for thousands of years. While the term sapphire birthstone typically refers to the blue variety of corundum, the ruby is the red variety, this birthstone comes in a rainbow of other colors. Sapphires have long been associated with royalty and romance and are also said to symbolize fidelity and the soul. "Sapphire" comes from the Greek word sappheiros and blue sapphire is one of the most popular colored stones. Read on to learn more about the September birthstone, specifically its history and where it can be found.
Sapphire Birthstone Meaning & History
The September birthstone has long been known to denote sincerity, truth, faithfulness, and nobility. For thousands of years, sapphire has decorated royalty and the cassocks of clergy. Those of the ancient Greek and Roman aristocracy regarded blue sapphires as shielding against harm and envy. During the Middle Ages, clergy wore their sapphires in hopes that they symbolized heaven. Ancient Persians held the belief that the world rested on a giant sapphire-thus, the blue sky.
The September birthstone was also said to have healing properties. Medieval Europeans believed that sapphire cured plague boils and diseases of the eye. The sapphire birthstone was also said to be an antidote to poison.
Where is Sapphire Found?
Kashmir, Myanmar (formerly Burma), and Sri Lanka are three historically important sources for the September birthstone. Large quantities of the September birthstone have also been discovered in Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Madagascar, the United States (Montana), and other Asian and African nations.
Sapphires have a history that dates back to around 1881 when a landslip in the high ranges of the Himalayas uncovered a mass pocket of "velvety cornflower blue" crystals. As the spectacular sapphires began to appear farther south, the Maharaja of Kashmir – and his army – took control of the new locality. From 1882 to 1887, thousands of large, beautiful crystals were recovered. The stones faceted from these crystals established Kashmir sapphire's reputation as one of the world's most coveted gems. Since then, production has been scattered but fine pieces of Kashmir sapphire jewelry appear in auction houses on occasion.
The other well-known location for the birthstone is in the Mogok area of Myanmar. Jungle-clad hills are surrounded by mountains in a dramatic landscape. Sapphires are typically associated with ruby deposits but in much smaller quantities than rubies. Burmese" sapphire, as it is still referred to by many, can have a rich, intense blue color, which has made it particularly prized. Myanmar is also a noted source of jadeite jade, spinel, zircon, amethyst, peridot, and other fine gem materials.
Sapphire Birthstone Care & Cleaning
The September birthstone is relatively hard, ranking 9 on the Mohs scale. It has excellent toughness and no cleavage, which is a tendency to break when struck. This makes it a great choice for rings and other mountings subject to daily wear.
Note, though, that sapphires are often treated to improve their color or clarity. Heat treatment is commonplace, and the effects are permanent, so it is well accepted in the trade. More esoteric treatments such as lattice diffusion, fracture filling, and dyeing may demand special care. In some instances, the color induced by lattice diffusion is so shallow that it could be removed if the stone was chipped or had to be recut. Even a weak acid such as lemon juice can damage fracture-filled and dyed sapphire birthstone. Make sure you always ask whether a stone is treated and how it was treated.
Always clean the September birthstone with warm, soapy water. If a stone is untreated, heat-treated, or lattice diffusion-treated, it is okay to use ultrasonic or steam cleaners. Fracture-filled or dyed stones should only be cleaned using a damp cloth.
Now that you know all about sapphire, take a look at our Sapphire Buying Guide, as it can help you pick a stunning September birthstone for yourself or a loved one.